Thursday 26 April 2012

...plugs t'Leks

How'ee?! Bin t' Lek District? 'Ere's two of me fevs, takin' from me own camera so long ago. You's nae see these nowt where else. Such bootiful colours...

Tuesday 24 April 2012

...has 'airs on his chist

Summat else I med lately.

Get a giggot fer you's t' tell me what brew this came from.

Friday 20 April 2012

...larns t' count

Aye, marras. Ah'm reet proud of meself. An' yoo wud be too if y' get sum useless knowledge into yer skull an' count in ahr dialect. Dis wall picture tells yer how t'do it.

Aye, ah med it. Din' ah tells you I do graphics fer a livin'?

Thursday 19 April 2012

...has this camera

A bloomin' gud view from Silloth, aboot methera-dick (13) miles from dear ol' Spatri'.

Reet blue, innit? Yer kin tell I hav a gud eye f''dis sorta thing. Don't remember how bootiful the weather was? Give over! They were tekkin pimp (5) years ago!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

...posts reet late

Reet late, innit?

Tyan moah disktops t' show off t'yers. Tyan means 'two' t' you nummal speakin' folk, but ah'll explain about this'n moah detail late this week.

Monday 16 April 2012

...larns t' use Wiki

Ya know, dis Wikipedia's a helpful lairn, am I reet?

The Cumbrian dialect is a local English dialect spoken in Cumbria in northern England, not to be confused with the extinct Celtic language Cumbric that used to be spoken in Cumbria. As in any county, there is a gradual drift in accent towards its neighbours. Barrow-in-Furness (within the historic boundaries of Lancashire) has a similar accent to much of Lancashire whilst the northern parts of Cumbria have a more North-East English sound to them. Whilst clearly being an English accent approximately between Lancashire and Geordie it shares much vocabulary with Scots.

Ahs hope yoo larn a thin' ar two from this 'ere, like. Me, thars' summat funny ah larn't from countin' from yan ta giggot, but hey, les leave that fir another day. Ah need me kip!

Sunday 15 April 2012

...izzin reet pain

How ya dein' like?

Me, not s'bad. Just din mah shift at work an' nah me body's in a reet pain in tha buttocks. Gon take a bath soon. Ah though' I'd like to show off me work on this blog. Jus a cupple o' disktops ta show off me typographic skills. Needs moah work ah think, but it looks reet fine so far.

Seeyers later, marras. There be moah work to show off tae morra!

Saturday 14 April 2012

...fist post

Hi, howya dein'?

This'll be me fist post on speakin' wit me Cumbrian dialect. Nae worry - it's not as diff'cult as it soonds as yer kin tell in weeks t'come. Tell y'wat: Ah make't nice an' easy an' just break doon me posts in few sentences as ah can. Mebbe next week or so ah can git bettah wit dis lark.

Ah'm not using me 'emoticons', cause not many folk from me place uses 'em. So ah sez, AYE MARRA instead!

Ta ta fir noo'.